I can't believe we're already looking at the SECOND half of 2016 when it comes to our most anticipated romance reads. Where has the year gone??!! As always, there's quite a few upcoming releases that I am excited for. Some of these are YA, while most are probably Adult -- that's what I've seemed to want to read these days. Are any of these on your TBR list? If not, I hope I've put some on your radar! Let me know in the comments.
Words in Deep Blue Cath Crowley [add to goodreads]
Going Geek by Charlotte Huang [add to goodreads]
This Adventure Ends by Emma Mills [add to goodreads]
The Secret of a Heart Note by Stacey Lee [add to goodreads]
The Last True Love Story by Brendan Kiely [add to goodreads]
Beautiful by Christina Lauren [add to goodreads]
The One Real Thing by Samantha Young [add to goodreads]
The Good Fight by Julianna Keyes [add to goodreads]
Lured In by Laura Drewry [add to goodreads]
Roman Crazy by Alice Clayton & Nina Bocci [add to goodreads]
for more contemporary romance goodness!!

I'm really looking forward to Roman Crazy and The Good Fight.