Ever purchased a book, or picked one up from the library, thinking: Oh this sounds good! I want to read that. Then it gets placed on your shelf at home to sit... and sit... and sit. Yeah, me too. I'm a mood reader, which means I have a hard time sticking to a reading schedule. I guess you could say I'm a mood buyer too, ha.
Below are books that have made it into my home, but for whatever reason they haven't popped up in my latest TBR pile. Let me know in the comments if you've read any of these & suggest I do the same -- soon! As always, be sure to check out The Broke and the Bookish for more details on this awesome weekly feature.
Cinder by Marissa Meyer [add to goodreads] | The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater [add to goodreads] | Heist Society by Ally Carter [add to goodreads] | Bloodlines by Richelle Mead [add to goodreads] | Forbidden by Tabitha Suzuma [add to goodreads]
Will Grayson, Will Grayson by John Green & David Levithan [add to goodreads] | You Had Me At Hello by Mhairi McFarlane [add to goodreads] | I'll Be There by Holly Goldberg Sloan [add to goodreads] | Ten Tiny Breaths by K.A. Tucker [add to goodreads] | Winger by Andrew Smith [add to goodreads]

Cinder, The Scorpio Races, Heist Society, Bloodlines, Will Grayson, Will Grayson!!!!!! ALL some of my favs!!!!!
ReplyDeleteThis comment has been removed by the author.
ReplyDeleteI LOVED Cinder and you know I'm a mostly contemporary reader! The Scorpio Races is beautiful and I want to reread it because I was really stressed with the wedding when I read it and I really feel like it affected it..like I LIKED it but I didn't feel the love that everyone had. And omg Will Grayson, Will Grayson is hilarious. And we should read Winger together..from what I hear it seems like a Ginger book?
ReplyDeleteHaha - I haven't heard of any of these! How is that?!
ReplyDeleteI never tell people to read Forbidden because the subject matter is hard and uncomfortable. but I will say it was a very emotional book and it was beautifully written and I'm so happy I read it. It is one of my favorite ugly cry books for sure.
ReplyDeleteAlso Cinder was really good. I would definitely say yes on that one.
Winger is one of my all time faves! Heist Society is a fun, light read - I've enjoyed the series as fun "in-between" books.
ReplyDeleteCinder was incredible. Bloodlines was super good, and this series is one that gets better with every book that comes out.
ReplyDeleteScorpio Races... I DNFd. Maybe you would have better luck than me.
TTT @ Krista's Dust Jacket
Cinder and Bloodlines are some of my favourite books. I would definitely recommend them!
ReplyDeleteBloodlines and Forbidden are also on my list!!
I would definitely recommend Cinder...I thought it was great! I haven't read any of the others but most of them are on my "to read or not to read" shelf as well!
ReplyDeleteI am due to start Cinder as my next book, I'm so flipping excited about it! I can see why a few of these are up here, they've had so much hype and yet a few negative reviews too!
ReplyDeletehttp://chasedbymyimagination.blogspot.co.uk/2014/08/top-ten-tuesday-my-picks-for-books-im.html" > Check out my TTT!
Katrina @ Chased By My Imagination
Cinder, Forbidden and Ten Tiny Breaths are all on my TBR. I haven't got to them yet, but I'm not questioning picking them up. I own You Had Me At Hello and I may try more John Green. The others I'm aware of but they haven't jumped up and down screaming, "Read me! Read me!" yet, you know?
ReplyDeleteMy TTT: http://confessionsofabookgeek.wordpress.com/2014/08/12/top-ten-tuesday-books-that-give-me-indecisive-syndrome/
Always ALWAYS yes to The Scorpio Races. It's dynamite.
ReplyDeleteI would DEFINITELY recommend reading Winger. I really think you'd enjoy it. It's intense and sad, but it's also very powerful. It's probably one of the best male perspectives I've seen in YA, which is always something I'm on the lookout for.
ReplyDeleteI really enjoyed Ten Tiny Breaths and the Heist Society series. Both are engrossing and pretty entertaining, and are easy, quick reads that have a nice payoff in the end.
ReplyDeleteRenae @ Respiring Thoughts
Yes, yes, yes, to Cinder, The Scorpio Races and Winger! I actually really recommend all three as audiobooks. Really, Ginger, you should give these guys a shot. Oh my gosh WINGER! All the emotions. And it's contemporary, which is right up your alley.
ReplyDeleteI liked CINDER okay and was meh toward SCARLET, but holy crap, CRESS was EXCELLENT, and you should definitely read them!
ReplyDeleteRachel @ Beauty and the Bookshelf
Bloodlines and Heist Society are amazingly good!
ReplyDeleteYays: Cinder: yes, definitely. At this point I would say wait until the series is finished so you don't have to be miserable waiting like the rest of us. The Scorpio Races: YESYESYES so gorgeous and sad and it's one of my new favorites. Heist Society: Super cute and fun!
ReplyDeleteNays: Bloodlines is a series I recently decided to give up on, so if you REALLY loved VA, I say go for it (it was only okay for me). I recently borrowed Forbidden from the library, then decided it wasn't something I want to read about no matter how "beautiful" people say the story is (Tiny Ten Breaths was returned unread at the same time). I think I'm the only person who didn't love Winger, so I say skip it, but I'm sure I'll be the only one who says that.
Oh my geez I can't even with you. Cinder, Scorpio Races, Bloodlines & Heist Society are among my faves. THAT BEING SAID: The book on this list that is most likely for YOU to like = I'll Be There. Very Ginger. You'll love it. Listen to Anna.
ReplyDeleteYes to Cinder and Will Grayson, Will Grayson! I loved them both. I am on the fence about Forbidden. It disgusts me and yet there are SO many 5 star reviews.
ReplyDeleteOh, I'll Be There is so good! I definitely think it's one of the more underrated books and it's totally worth a shot!
ReplyDeleteMarissa Meyer is a definite yes. The first book is the most predictable, but each book is getting better and better! I want to eventually read my copy of SCORPIO RACES, too! I have a love/hate relationship with Ally Carter because the romance (or lack of) can be SO FRUSTRATING!!!! FORBIDDEN was surprisingly really, really good. I didn't think I'd like it at all. It's definitely a book when you want to cry, though! Ahh, I have had WINGER on my TBR for so long. I keep wanting to make time for it! And I've never heard of it before but YOU HAD ME AT HELLO has cute cover art! I've also always loved the cover art for I'LL BE TEHRE, but I know little about it...
ReplyDeleteOkay so I'm currently reading the 3rd Heist Society book and they are sooo much fun! Also, I'm in the middle of the Bloodline series and hoping to start he 4th once my hold comes in at the library. Richelle Mead's books just suck you in!! Give these series a chance!!
ReplyDeleteYou Had Me At Hello was super cute. Just a good romance/chick lit when you're in the mood for one.
ReplyDeleteOh, Forbidden is a really powerful read! Although I think it's definitely one of those books you have to be in the right mood for. Also, I've tried reading Bloodlines and got a few chapters in, but it wasn't grabbing me the same way the Vampire Academy books did. I want to give it another shot, though, and hopefully it'll pick up partway through...? *crosses fingers*
ReplyDeleteMy Top Ten post
I honestly didn't expect much out of Winger. I only read it to know if it was worth suggesting to boy readers or not. I fell in love with the book though! It was so good. It's going on my recommendation list for alllllll of my high schoolers.
ReplyDeleteI also really loved Will Grayson, Will Grayson.
I didn't love Ten Tiny Breaths. I mean.. it was ok, but I think it just didn't meet my expectations. Good, not great.
I swear to God, G, you HAVE to read Scorpio Races! I feel like I can guarantee you will LOVE it. The quiet tone, the aching, slow-burn romance, the endearing characters - YES. Read it! That's ditto for Cinder and Bloodlines - two of my favorite series! They are worth the page count. :)
ReplyDeleteI feel like you are such a well balanced, open minded reader. All of these should be a yes for you!
ReplyDeleteI've been dying to read both The Scorpio Races and Winger! Great list!
ReplyDeleteRosemond Cates
Cinder by Marissa Meyer and The Scorpio Races by Maggie Stiefvater are must reads!