Wednesday, September 18, 2013

A Falling Off My Bookshelves Giveaway!

It's a new season & that means it's time to clean off my bookshelves & give away some books to YOU.  I've got a good mix of both YA and Adult, some new and some old.  To keep things interesting I won't reveal the actual books until a winner is chosen.  If you'd like to receive a box of my books, then enter below! Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway
The fine print:
+ Open to US & Canada residents ONLY
+ Must be 18 years old to enter
+ Giveaway ends on 9/30/13 @ 12am EST


  1. I don't have anything in particular but I would like a good opposites attract books to read. Those are always good.

  2. Oh gosh, I have no idea! I read mainly YA books so I guess I would prefer a box with mostly YA--contemporary, romance, dystopia, paranormal. I'm not a fan of horror though! It gives me nightmares. haha

  3. I feel like getting this box of books would be like Christmas - I'd be excited to try anything new! I love surprises!

  4. Well...I'd be perfectly happy with anything that was in there to be honest! Maybe a hidden gem of a contemporary! I'm always looking for those!

    thanks for the giveaway!

  5. I'd love to see some YA Paranormal Romance, or in the adult world, paranormal cozies or Urban Fantasies.

    Some people rescue animals, I rescue books. If the prize turns out to be something I don't read, I share it with others. If they are real books vs ARC's I have a local library that will actually put them into circulation.

  6. Honestly, I'm up for anything! Usually willing to give most things a try. Some favourite genres though are dystopian, contemporary or sci-fi!

  7. I feel we have the same taste in books, so I know I will enjoy any books that are in the box.

  8. I'd love to see books that are the OPPOSITE of something I'd normally pick up. I'm trying to expand my bookish horizons. :)

  9. I'm hoping to discover a new favorite within the box!

  10. There are so many different books that I'm hoping for, but I would love to just be surprised also!

  11. A good thriller and a contemporary romance :)

  12. I'd be happy with anything really. I know you read more contemporary than I do so it's a good place to start branching out.

  13. I think any book would be amazing! Though I must admit my bookshelf is overflowing too so it is a bit ironic.

  14. I read a lot of genres so I would be excited with anything. And who doesn't just love looking thru a big box of books? Thank you so much!

  15. YA books that came/come out this year: arc or finished. :) thank you!

  16. Ahhh, surprises are so fun. xD If I won, I would hope that there is some YA contemporary in the box. ;) Thank you for the giveaway, Ginger!

  17. i wish Cress was in this box...I'm craving that book like chocolate. ~daphne

  18. Um hi, yes I LOVE the pun! :) I'd love any of your old books, yo! oxo

  19. I am really into Dystopian. I also wouldn't mind something more adult or fantasy.

  20. Oh man ... um ... I'm really behind on contemp YA, so some of that to help get caught up? Surprise boxes are so much fun! Thanks for the giveaway :oD

  21. Oh gosh, there are so many...I guess Smoke by Ellen Hopkins since that just came out and I haven't read it yet.

  22. I read a lot of genres and a suprise box of would be great!

  23. Well, I read mainly YA, so, if there were some young adult fantasy books that would be vary cool. =)

    Thank you for the great giveaway.

  24. I love surprises! I'd be happy with just about anything I don't already have (and I suppose if it's something I do have, I could just pass it along to another lucky reader!)

  25. I love all books so pretty much any book would make me happy. :D

  26. Anything would make me happy, I love getting mail- especially a big box of books! Thank you for the giveaway!

  27. All YA all the time! I especially like fantasy, historical, and sci-fi and flip for hate-to-love romances, best friends romances, stellar world-building, and unreliable/freaking clever narrators (a la Megan Whalen Turner's Eugenides).

  28. A mix of great contemporary YA and adult would be awesome! Thanks for the giveaway :-)

  29. Oh goodness. I don't know! Knowing you, it's going to be a box of contemp books?? I love surprises!

  30. I'd be hoping for a YA new release, but I doubt something new would be cleaned off your bookcase so soon! Would be happy with anything.

  31. If it's a book I am happy. I am easily pleased.

  32. I love surprises so pretty much anything! :)

  33. I am a huge booklover with an empty shelf! I'd love any book you're willing to give to me!! <3

  34. Hopeful for book Christmas! I just moved so my bookshelf is tragically empty.

  35. I love surprises so I'm up for anything-YA paranormal, Dysyopian, Steampunk...It's nice to have a variety. :)

  36. I love surprises so I'm up for anything-YA paranormal, Dysyopian, Steampunk...It's nice to have a variety. :)

  37. Great giveaway! I'm up for almost anything.

  38. Thanks for hosting this giveaway, I would enjoy any sort of book. It's always fun to get a glimpse into what other people have been reading!

  39. Great giveaway and I'd love any of them! I'd love to win a copy of The Immortal Rules or The Eternity Cure, I'm also dying to read Antigoddess.

  40. Jennifer Echols- I haven't had the chance to pick up or receive an ARC of the new ones and she is AMAZING! And maybe some more cute contemp reads.
    -Caitlin E

  41. Right now I can't think of any specific books. But mostly YA. And like a good mix of it too (the different sub-genres in it)

  42. I read everything so it will be a lovely surprise to see what falls into the box!

  43. I'd be happy with everything, thouuuuughhh I will say Where The Stars Still Shine by Trish Doller would push me over the edge haha. Thanks for the giveaway!

  44. I would prefer a mix with adult and ya

  45. Paranormal or dystopian two of my fave genre's!! <3

  46. Anything YA....maybe some YA Contemporary's?

  47. Some older releases that I never got around to reading would be a great addition!

  48. I read adult and YA, so I'd love a mix, I'm hoping for a maybe a couple I've never heard of, it's always fun to go in blind to a book.

  49. Anything! I love to read any and all books!

  50. Contemporary mysteries! Surprising books to love!

  51. Honestly I don't know though I wish there will be a lot of high fantasy books =)

  52. oh jeeze, I don't know. Maybe some stuff I normally wouldn't purchase for myself. Stuff that I'm not sure I would like. I know, that sounds silly, but it's a great way to broaden my book reading horizons. lol. :)

  53. I don't think I'd even be picky about what was in the wishlist is so long that I'm *sure* that most of the books would be on it!

    Thanks for the fun giveaway!

    Bree :)

  54. I'll read just about anything, so I guess I don't have any real hopes for what's inside the box. I prefer YA, so obviously that, but I'm not picky. I like reading things I might not have before.

  55. I would love anything, but a good fantasy book is always fun! Thank you!!

  56. Great giveaway, thank you. Which would I like to see in the box. Hmmmm. No specific title, but a current YA would be nice!

  57. I would love to see anything, but your taste in contemporaries is amazing so I'll pick that!

  58. I love your blog and your taste in books. Anything would be an amazing surprise.

  59. I'm hoping for mostly YA but and excited to see the Adult books because I hardly ever read outside of YA.

  60. I don't even know! A surprise box of books would be fun! =)

  61. I'm game for anything! Awesome giveaway ... surprises are awesome!!!

  62. I'd love to see pretty much any YA but I'm trying to read more contemporary stuff these days (I read a lot of paranormal, sci fi, fantasy) so that would be awesome to see.

  63. I love giveaways! Thanks for the opportunity! : ) I would love love love to see Wanderlove in the box! That was the first review of yours I read and I was immediately drawn to it! If I Stay and Perks of Being A Wallflower would be awesome, too! I think I could probably go on and on.

  64. Saw this on my friends twitter profile. She's never steered me wrong!

  65. I would like there to be contemporary novels...those are so popular at my school!

  66. Oh my goodness, I have no idea! I'm definitely more a fan of YA, but I'm trying to branch out again. I'm a huge chicken, so anything scary isn't my cup of tea. BUT I love books, so I'm sure I'd be happy with anything. Thanks, Ginger!


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