Thursday, May 3, 2012

Random Discussion: Auto-Approve Authors

So I just randomly took a poll on the tweets and asked everyone:

Twitter, name one author you will read ANYTHING by. Don't even have to know what the book is about.. it's just a given.

Holy wow at the response! I was worried I may break the tweets. But.... I didn't. We can all breath again.
So what's the consensus you ask? Well here are the authors that were mentioned:

  • John Green
  • Sarah Dessen
  • Richelle Mead
  • Jennifer Echols
  • Stephanie Perkins
  • Melina Marchetta
  • Jennifer L. Armentrout
  • Jeri Smith-Ready
  • J.K. Rowling
  • David Levithan
  • Courtney Summers
  • Simone Elkeles
  • Patrick Ness
  • Suzanne Young
  • Trish Doller
  • Veronica Rossi
  • Melissa Marr
  • Gayle Forman
  • Rachel Vincent
  • Kelley Armstrong
  • Kristin Cashore
  • John Corey Whaley
  • Jenny Han
  • Myra McEntire
  • Kody Keplinger

Do you agree? Disagree? Is there someone NOT on this list that is an instant read for you?
I found it interesting there are a few authors listed that only have one published work out right now - wow! what a true testament to their awesomeness (the ones listed that I've read, I completely agree with btw!)

Also, in case you were wondering, I have TOO MANY instant read authors.. but if I had to choose one it would be Jennifer Echols.  I love that woman's storytelling so hard.



  1. My vote is Sarah Dessen -- SO reliably good.

  2. I want to say John Green. I really do. But I was really disappointed in Abundance of Katherines. I couldn't even finish it. :(

    Jennifer E. Smith should be on there. I can't believe I forgot her. But I've read EVERY SINGLE one of her books and have not been disappointed at all.

    Great list. Isn't it fun when your Twitter goes nuts? haha

  3. I vote for J.K. Rowling, Veronica Roth and Sarah Dessin. I read one of her books and fell in love with it instantly! For me i would add Ally Carter because i love her works! They're awesome and mindblowing!

    Great list!=D

  4. What about Cassandra Clare! :D

  5. I would read anything either Julie Kagawa or Maggie Stiefvater writes. No contest, whatsoever!

    1. I agree with these authors I would read anything by them too

  6. kristan higgins ~dixie

  7. Chuck Palahniuk. Ray Bradbury. But I do agree with many on the list!

  8. I pretty much agree.

    I would add Veronica Roth, Susan Mallery, Shannon Stacey, Molly Harper and Kiera Cass to this list.

    -Jac @ For Love and Books

  9. I would add Carolyn Hart - mysteries and John Grisham - legal thrillers and general fiction

  10. Janette Rallison, Lisa Bergren, Ally Carter, Ally Condie, Rick Riordan

  11. I agree with so many of these! Esp. John Green, Jennifer Echols, Sarah Dessen, and Stephanie Perkins. I'd also read anything by Libba Bray and Sarah Rees Brennan!

  12. Wow! Your list is pretty long! I guess mine would be:
    Melina Marchetta, Sarah Dessen and Lisa Kleypas :D

  13. Replies
    1. *nods head*

      Yes to Melina Marchetta and Kristin Cashore in the list! Would like to add Robin McKinley, Juliet Marillier, Elizabeth Wein and Ilona Andrews. :)

  14. I definitely agree with Stephanie Perkins and J.K. Rowling. I will read anything by them! My list would also include Julia Quinn, Lisa Kleypas, and Meg Cabot.

    I'm going to have to check out the authors on this list that I haven't read yet! :)

    1. I agree with every single one you've listed

  15. this is an awesome list!! thank you for compiling it!! i have some auto-approve historical romance authors as well, but this one seems like a mostly-ya list :)

  16. OoOO that list is awesome and perfect! Jennifer L. Aremnthrout : I would read a phonebook if she would write it!! Kody Keplinger?Totally on my list too!
    J.K. Rowling is not on my list because I'm so not intererested in her adult book...

    And.. Karen Marie Moning.... Gosh! That woman is crazy!!

  17. I would have Cassandra Clare, Julie Kagawa, JK Rowling and Charlaine Harris (none YA - shocker) .

  18. John Green & Sarah Dessen top my list. I would add Maggie Stiefvater, Cassandra Clare & Holly Black.

  19. I would add Ellen Hopkins. I totally agree with most of the authors on this list though!

  20. I've got a LOT on my list! John Green, Sarah Dessen, Sara Zarr, Sarah Ockler, Justina Chen, Ally Carter, and Suzanne Collins just to name a few. :D

  21. Interesting list :) Right at the top of mine would be Melina Marchetta, Patrick Ness and Stephanie Perkins. However I really cannot get on with Sarah Dessen or Jennifer Echols. Once upon a time I would have said Meg Cabot but her last few books have been terrible, unfortunately!

  22. This is a great list. My authors would be Deb Caletti, Scott Westerfeld, and Laurie Halse Anderson.

  23. LOVE THIS LIST. I'll be revisiting this post in the future for sure.

  24. Oh, man. I don't think I could just pick one. Jen Echols, Courtney Summers, Daisy Whitney and Antony John are definitely on my must-read list, as I've read almost all of their pub'd work (I haven't read 2 of Echols'). But those latter 3 authors are, like, my Trifecta of Awesome.

    I'm surprised Megan McCafferty didn't make the list, though!

  25. Capillya brings up an interesting point. I only listed MWT because I've READ everything she ever wrote. But there are authors on my auto-read list whose entire oeuvres I haven't finished yet. (Melina Marchetta is one of them, as well as Elizabeth Wein.) So it depends how you phrase the question...

  26. For me, it's Sarah Dessen, Veronica Roth, Stephanie Perkins, Maggie Stiefvater, Tamora Pierce and Rick Riordan. I really have read just about everything these authors have written - so you know my opinion is based on fact :)


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