This week I am participating in Top Ten Tuesday hosted by The Broke and the Bookish. Each week bloggers post a new top ten list.
This Week's List:Top Ten Books I Wish I'd Read as a Kid
(in no particular order)
Keep in mind, I did very little reading as a kid.. so this list could go on & on! One of my biggest regrets was not enjoying reading sooner than I did. I feel like there's so much I missed out on. But the good thing about books: they never go away! so there's always time to catch up ;-)
- Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone by J.K. Rowling - I realize this book was published when I was 16 yrs old, but I still wish I would have read it then. I think it would have opened up my love for YA books a lot sooner.
- The Giver by Lois Lowry - I've heard such amazing things about this book that I feel like I need to give it a chance. I wonder what it would have done for my 12 year old soul.
- The Chronicles of Narnia by C.S. Lewis - I remember reading the first book in school as a kid, but never going beyond that. I really wish I would have. Oh the possibilities my childhood imagination could have taken me on!
- Anne of Green Gables by L.M. Montgomery - I adored this tv series as a kid, so I just know I would have loved the books as well. Why didn't I pick those up too??!!
- The Princess Bride by William Goldman - I love fairy tales with a twist, so I know I would have enjoyed this one as a kid. Don't princesses dream of their princes coming to save them all the time?!
- Anything written by Sarah Dessen - though her books were not published until I was an adult, I think the teenage me would have appreciated her words on paper. She has a way of telling truth, yet showing the pretty side too. I know my teenage self would have grown to love her books.
- To Kill a Mockingbird by Harper Lee - I still remember my father reading this book & watching the movie when I was a kid & telling me how much he loved it. I wish I would have paid more attention & read it when he told me to. It's such a classic.
- Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH by Robert C. O'Brien - another movie I watched as a kid over & over again, never realizing there was a book that started it all. Are you seeing a trend here? I think I watched too much tv as a kid lol.
- Babysitters Club by Ann M. Martin - I remember my older sister having these books on her bookshelf in her room, the forbidden territory for the little sister. They always peaked my interest, but I was never allowed to touch them! ha! I knew then I'd love them, and I was right.
- Twilight series by Stephenie Meyer - hello! how could I not have wanted to read these books as a kid?! Ok well more like a teenager. They are after all what got me to open books! I'm jealous of the youngin's who are starting their reading collection with these books. They have so much good stuff ahead of them!

My aunt just told me that most of the books I wanted to read as a kid she had given to me. Obviously I never read them, lol. But I have read The Giver and To Kill a Mockingbird, just because they were assigned for me to read, lol. But they are great books!
ReplyDeleteA lot of our books are the same. And, I just realized that I am 4 years older than you.
ReplyDeleteSome of these are on mine... once I write it, that is!
ReplyDeleteThe BSC books are on my list, too! Glad to see them in yours! =)
Mrs. Frisby and the Rats of NIMH is another favourite that I wish I had got to sooner. Have you already read it?
And what a great recommendation of Sarah Dessen! I haven't read any of her novels (as I tend to read either Fantasy or "realistic" books of the quirkier variety), but this is the first time I've thought that was my loss!
I agree with all your picks...And Twilight got me into loving books too! I wish I would have picked up HP waaaaaaaaaaaaay sooner though!
ReplyDeleteIsn't it funny? I noticed through putting together my list that I spent WAY too much time in front of the TV as well. LOL Some of the books I didn't even know were books, just like you. I also have NIMH, Narnia, Harry Potter & Anne of Green Gables on my list for very similar reasons.
ReplyDeleteThe one I've been seeing a lot of is The Giver and it's made me think a bit. I'm not positive I would have liked it as much as a kid, though I do think it would have made me think.
Great choices!
Oh The Princess Bride! That's such a good choice! I never even saw the movie until I was about 20 or so, I know I would've loved it even more if I'd seen/read when I was younger.
ReplyDeleteI love all of these choices. I actually got (STOLE) Anne of Green Gables in a dirty santa book club meeting, so I FINALLY get to read it! Granted, now as a 28 y/o, much different perspective. But still!
ReplyDeleteI read The Giver when I was in middle school and absolutely LOVED it. And watched NIMH's cartoon movie. And and and...was a part of The BSC monthly book club in elementary school. =)
I didn't read the Princess Bride until I was an adult and after I had seen the movie--I wish I had know it was a book as a child. I would have loved it!
ReplyDeleteI read The Secret of Nimh as a kid, and I loved it! I didn't read the one you mentioned, though.
ReplyDeleteTevya @ Reading Lark
OMG Ginger...go get The Giver RIGHT NOW, young lady!! :)
ReplyDeleteAnd Babysitter's Club..all time favorite! <3
YES to The Giver!! And then read it's companions. Especially Gathering Blue, which comes after it.